What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a technique involving the insertion of extremely thin stainless steel, disposable needles into the skin at select points or points of tenderness. This sets in motion an elegant interplay of the body’s own energies, restoring balance to the body, mind and spirit.
This age-old system of medicine has stood the test of thousands of years and yet continues to rise above and improve health even in our modern western culture. The theory that surrounds the practice dates back as much as 4000-5000 years.
For many contemporary practitioners, including naturopathic physicians, their practices are traditional and defined by these theories of the fundamental principles: Yin, Yang, Qi and Zang Fu. This sophisticated yet subtle method of treatment is so effective because of its focus on each individual’s particular needs. Your treatment will be tailored to address your specific imbalances, and will revitalize you in a relaxed state.
$60 (+HST) – 30 minutes
These are to be completed one week PRIOR to your FIRST appointment please.
Naturopathic Adult Forms
(ages 16 and over)
Naturopathic Young Adult Forms
(ages 13-15 yrs)
Dr. Tara Clapp, ND
Anti-Aging and Hormone Optimization
Dr. Tara Clapp, ND is a Board-certified Naturopathic Doctor and leading authority on Anti-Aging & Bio-Identical Hormones. Dr. Clapp, ND has taken numerous courses to advance her knowledge and has received various certifications including First Line Therapy Weight Management.
Dr. Tara Clapp, ND uses specialized, leading-edge laboratory testing for better diagnostics & health. Dr. Tara Clapp, ND has special interests in anti-aging, bio-identical hormone therapy, food and nutrition, metabolic and hormone imbalances and digestive disorders.
Dr. Tara Clapp, ND is a dedicated and caring physician, taking personal interest in her clients’ health and life.